Category Archives: Geek

Wiki wiki what?

This week brings a mini-kerfuffle about EA amending its Wikipedia entry. Two comments on this: 1) Isn’t Wikipedia designed so anyone can edit it? Um, even the people it’s about? Duh. You’ve found the “flaw” in the system, if you … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | 6 Comments

And it’s official

“I think,” he murmured at last from deep within his corroding, rattling thorax, “I feel good about it.” The lights went out in his eyes for absolutely the very last time ever. — Douglas Adams, So Long and Thanks For … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 8 Comments

California Extreme 2007 rocks

It’s a very good show this year. I mean, it’s always a good show, but I really had a blast this year, played a lot of games that you simply can’t find anywhere else or enjoy in their original incarnations. … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 5 Comments


My mom didn’t like comic books — too much violence, she reasoned — so no Superman or X-Men for me. Occasionally, Archie or, if I was lucky, Scrooge McDuck Adventures. Sigh. But, to her credit, I only climbed up on … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Movies & TV | 11 Comments

California Extreme 2007 – Aug 11

It’s next weekend. Tickets are available now, and there’s usually a long line on-site, so it’s definitely better to preorder and pick up at will-call. Several hundred coin-ops and pinball machines on free play (including several prototypes and rarities), plus … Continue reading

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More on the Escapist, PA, and Cameron Lewis

My comments on the Escapist article regarding responsibility in game review have gotten a little attention. But in the ensuing discussion, an assumption has been made, and it’s a really dangerous one. GameSetWatch commenter jeffk says: The thing is, Dan … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 8 Comments

Feeling demotivated?

Well, now you don’t even need to know Photoshop to have fun.

Posted in Etc, Geek | Leave a comment

Harry Potter and the Total Absence of Spoilers

I hate spoilers so there will be none of that. However, with it being an particularly busy week and a half at the magazine, I’ve only just now stayed up until nearly 5am reading Deathly Hallows and it’s been on … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Movies & TV | 12 Comments

San Diego Comicon

I’ll be there Thursday, on business. I’ve always wanted to go but I have to say, I’m not actually happy about it now that I finally have the chance. I won’t be going in costume, I won’t be there long, … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 2 Comments

Critique of game critique #287,892

More wringing of hands, navel-gazing, good ideas, and interesting (if sometimes uninformed) opinions at The Escapist this week, as the staff takes a critical look at “games journalism” (a term I still don’t like to use out of respect to … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 17 Comments