Category Archives: Geek

It’s the end of E3 as we know it and I feel fine

The show was very good this year. Quieter, calmer, a hell of a lot less crowded (last year I had to take a weekend job at GameStop just to get in), and so much quality software on display! Happy to … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Games, Geek | 2 Comments

New Palette-Swap Ninja track posted

Yay. After, like, five months of procrastinating, I finally finished my parts on the second Palette-Swap Ninja track, “Three Red Lights.” (Jude did his stuff back in April!) The guitars, quite frankly, scared me, and the bass is low in … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek, Guitar, Music | 3 Comments

JJ Abrams’ new movie

I haven’t seen Transformers but there’s apparently a very cryptic trailer advertising a new unnamed movie, produced by JJ Abrams, and it’s rockin’ geeks’ socks off. The movie is unnamed, the cast is a bunch of barely-knowns, and the full … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Movies & TV, Puzzles | 4 Comments

A real American hero

Say the word “genius” and there are only three people who immediately come to mind as worthy of the title. Two are British and dead: Douglas Adams and John Lennon. (One of my favorite Lennon quotes: “When I was 12, … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Music | 6 Comments

Foldin’, foldin’, foldin’…keep them wagons foldin’

I hate folding laundry, but I love folding proteins. For a while now I’ve been taking part in the Folding@Home project that Stanford runs. It’s similar to the SETI@Home distributed computing project, but it has a more immediately practical application. … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 1 Comment

Geeks vs. nerds: I was right!

Kimzey recently asked me the difference between a geek and a nerd. I answered with the same phrase I coined years ago: “Geeks are self-aware nerds.” I have always reasoned that nerds aren’t aware that they are social lepers; geeks … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 4 Comments

Jessica Rabbit…gone?!

My…appreciation (which is the kindest possible word I can find for it) for Jessica Rabbit is well known by my inner circle. (I’m a sucker for redheads…and teh b00bs.) But, in researching some vacation options, I just found out that … Continue reading

Posted in Disney, Etc, Geek | 3 Comments

Today’s evidence against celebrities

We’ll always have Paris (I’m afraid, anyway), so take a break and read this LA Times article. It notes that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak did not call in any favors; he’s standing in line to buy an iPhone like the … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | Leave a comment

Buy my old laptop

Seriously, it’s nice. I’m super happy — kind of overjoyed, actually — with the new D630, and I was thinking of holding onto this one as a machine around the house…but c’mon. I have enough stuff, and I certainly have … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | Leave a comment

Laptop love

Cool, something else went right! After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I finally ordered a new laptop from Dell a few weeks ago; it was the brand-new D630 model and it looked like it was going to take a … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 1 Comment