Category Archives: Geek

More laptop issues

I thought I’d gotten it all figured out, but apparently not. I was going to get a Vista-equipped HP dv2000 series and downgrade it to XP. Now I see a story that says you can’t necessarily do that. Now, the … Continue reading

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Went to the Halo 3 beta press event tonight in SF. Sobering quote of the night, delivered straight to my face: “I thought you got out of the edit game.” Uh, no, sorry. I love writing more now than ever.  … Continue reading

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If this is not the coolest thing you see all week, I’m revoking your geek card. And eating it.

Posted in Geek | 4 Comments

I don’t hate GamesRadar, but you might

For some time I’ve been boring friends with the topic of why gamers hate games. I’ve blogged about it but only briefly as I was organizing my thoughts. I chatted with Stephen Pierce over at GamesRadar about the idea one … Continue reading

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Why won’t iTunes behave?

This has happened to me several times now and I’m wondering if anybody knows why. I keep all my iTunes music on my D drive. I gave it its own massive partition on my computer. For some reason, every so … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Music | Leave a comment

July I’m Gonna Rock Ya July

Maybe we’re not going to Hell. Maybe there is a sign of hope in the universe. Spinal Tap is getting back together for charity.

Posted in Etc, Geek, Music | Leave a comment

This laptop’s gotta go

I swapped laptops with a friend because my old Dell was dying, and she was more of a Mac person. The new hardware works fine…but not for me. It’s heavy as hell (7.5 pounds), eats up battery life like nobody’s … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | 1 Comment

Battling Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada

I have a “thing” for real objects from fake worlds. On my desk at work I keep a model of the puzzle box from Hellraiser. I searched high and low until I found Marty McFly’s baseball cap from 2015. And … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 2 Comments

Egosurfing extreeeeeme

Kat is considering getting her own domain for business purposes — she’s an independent contractor/freelancer now, so it sort of makes sense to get her name as a domain, or her business name. We already have for our indie … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | 6 Comments

I think I just got pwned by Joystiq

The problem with sharing your geekiness with the world is that it sometimes comes back to bite you in the ass. Imagine my horror when my friend Sean Molloy alerted me to an article on Joystiq where an old photo … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 4 Comments