I’m always a few steps ahead on 360 games and a few steps behind on all other platforms. Case in point: I’m still plugging away at Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I’m putting some speed on since Kat got me the sequel for my birthday. I am about to start the third of five cases and I have to say, every time I think I’m done with a case, there’s another curveball that comes in and makes me totally reassess everything at my disposal. But I really enjoy it (I also liked an old DOS game called Objection that I doubt anybody else remembers). And I love goofy artwork like this, stolen from GamesRadar.com:
I’ve realized that almost all my DS games are thinky games. Phoenix Wright, Brain Age, Tetris DS, Advance Wars, Big Brain Academy, and my parents sent me Hotel Dusk as a gift. Elite Beat Agents and Super Mario Bros. are about it for action. I’m okay with it, I just suddenly noticed the thinky trend. Is it a DS thing or a “Dan seeks different challenges now that he is older” thing?