Wow. Reading the comments here, gamers are as passionate and quick to judge as they are completely wrong. OXM is biased, OXM is on the take, OXM has to give Halo 3 high marks or else they’re out of a job…same old allegations, absolutely no rational thought. I particularly liked the guy who said having OXM review Halo 3 is like having Cookie Monster review cookies. What, we should ignore it?
Of course, many of the dim-witted comments come from people who will proudly tell you that they don’t read OXM. Like, they see the scores on GameRankings, and that’s all they need to jump to a conclusion; never mind the words that explain the number, right? When they cite negative sources, they’re often outdated (stop barking about incremental 100-point scores, people, we gave them up in 2005). They read it when Halo 2 came out and didn’t like it, and surely nothing changes over a two-year period. When actual readers pipe up with complaints or comments or improvements or rants, I listen a lot more attentively. But if you boast that you don’t read the magazine, your smack-talk lacks smack.
In other words, if you don’t want to think for yourself, at least shut the fuck up. Sheep shouldn’t make this much noise.