Joining OXM

As of Monday I’m full-time on OXM. This is a move that I’ve dreamed of for a long time. I’ve always liked the mag and I’ve liked it more since I’ve been under Future’s roof. GamesRadar is already the #3 site behind IGN and GameSpot (yes, the traffic’s like twice that of 1up – and Radar’s only been around for 7 or 8 months) and if I wanted to work in online, that’d be the young, hungry site to work on. But my heart is in magazines and I feel like a point guard who’s been asked to play power forward. Print is still where I’m at and it’s where I’m most creative.

Better still, I’m coming out of my two-year funk at last. I’m taking this as a chance to get back on track and make some other positive change while I’m at it–work on some personal projects, get some music stuff done, explore a few new creative outlets. And I’m noticing the new wave of energy in funny little ways. Like everybody else I get a lot of inspiration and comfort from music. I always work better when I have something familiar in the background so I tend to abuse the same few albums and artists when I need to concentrate and get stuff done. But all of a sudden, the songs I’ve been relying on just to keep my sanity are becoming emotionally stirring again; it’s like I just had a new set of ears installed, and everything I hear sounds so much more vibrant and inspirational. A very tiny switch has tripped in my head and I’m just starting to perceive life differently, more positively – kind of like I used to, but with a fresh spin. All the old power supplies are getting plugged in again. It feels great.

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