How is it that in 13 years, I’ve never made it up to Seattle until now? Despite Nintendo and Microsoft being up here, I’ve never visited either one (probably because I always managed to pawn them off on someone else). I may never see Nintendo, but tomorrow I finally see Microsoft for myself. I’m excited. I was hoping that the switch to OXM would provide me with more opportunities to, you know, get out. I often felt like I was just processing other people’s work at Radar and not creating enough of my own. And it’s hard to do that without experiences. So yay, experiences. It feels good to go and get the story every once in a while. Almost like real journalism.
Random thoughts:
– I’m officially never flying without my video iPod from now on. It was awesome to watch Mr. Show and Robocop on the flight…and know that at any point, I could have switched over to play games on the same doohickey. Oh, yeah, and it plays music. Put on on your Christmas list–you want one.
– The hotel I’m in has a 13th floor. I think that’s awesome. Have people stopped with the superstition? I’m tempted to ask for a transfer from the 8th floor.
– Kat is rearranging some, most, or all of the apartment while I’m away. I have no idea what I’m coming home to. (Well, other than a very needy gray cat who will wonder where Dad went.)
– I hope they won’t kick me out of Seattle when they learn I don’t drink coffee.