Three-day weekend

Ship week is always tough. It’s just intense and a lot of things have to be done immediately, so there’s no goofing off during the day and often bringing work home at night (hence no blog postings). They’re tougher still if you’re making up for a week of lost activity due to a holiday vacation while trying to fight off the bug that’s going around. I tried to be social and get together with friends last night after work; I failed, because even with Red Bull at my disposal, I couldn’t stay awake. This morning I feel slightly like I’ve been run over, like I just want to sleep and sleep. Usually I only feel this way after a gig, which I suppose means that one show is equal to a week at work. In any case, I’m tired.

I really think that it’s cool that we get a day off for Dr. Martin Luther King. I really think it’s a shame that most people probably don’t appreciate why he deserves the honor. I really, really think a hell of a lot of society’s ills would be eliminated if people truly thought about and lived by his non-violent teachings about true equality. Take a second and check out how impressive and wise this guy really was.

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