Category Archives: Geek

Xbox 360 wireless

I am a wired kinda guy. I prefer physical Ethernet cables. But I do have a wireless network in my house and I use it; it makes things easier when I’m working on a laptop on the couch, or want … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 6 Comments

Bow before Ricky Jay

He is your god.

Posted in Etc, Geek | 2 Comments

SNIKT, eh?

I’m still looking for a good Halloween costume this year. and I stumbled upon these. They don’t ship to Canada though…where Wolverine is from. Har.

Posted in Etc, Geek | 6 Comments

5150 360 II

I have been thrilled with the Van Halen striped faceplate that Greg made me, so I asked him to whip up a companion for it. Now nobody will ask which controller is mine: Even though I have the console faceplate … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek, Guitar | 6 Comments

Arcade shoes get

I know I promised photos of the new car, but I’ve been working late so the only time I can snap a photo is at night, and those shots came out poorly. Even now, as the sun shines, Kat is … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 3 Comments

How not to be an online journalist

Here on my pulpit, I have a simple goal. I hate the “ivory tower” concept, that the press is somehow removed from and better than its audience. At every job I’ve had, I’ve wanted my readers to know that, yeah, … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Games, Geek | 9 Comments

The first Halo 3 consumer complaint

The good news is that I got my retail copy of Halo 3 today. Microsoft was very nice and sent out Limited Editions (the black metal two-disc case) for Saturday delivery. Super cool. The bad news is that the game … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 10 Comments

Pink is the new bravery

Yet another reason Canada kicks ass. So glad these kids had the balls to stand up, do something smart and nonviolent, and make an impact.

Posted in Etc, Geek | 8 Comments

Frozen smoke

The world’s next wondersubstance. Cool!

Posted in Geek | 6 Comments

Who’s your Big Daddy?

BioShock is finally here. To celebrate, GamesRadar did another of its infamous Digital Shorts, and I got roped into the act. Never let it be said that I am unwilling to look like a total dork for a joke.

Posted in Etc, Games, Geek, Movies & TV | 6 Comments