Category Archives: Geek

New year, new ISP

I’m been with Comcast for broadband service since before Comcast was Comcast. I signed up with @Home, which got bought by AT&T, which sold out to Comcast. Most of the time it was pretty good, but in the last three … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 2 Comments

Christmas Eve with the DINKs

How do double-income, no-kids families spend Christmas Eve when their shopping’s all done? – Go to Fry’s, which Andy once perfectly described as “the nerd supermarket.” It’s on our way to a destination a little later on in the day, … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek, Guitar | Leave a comment

PC makeover

Kat inherited my old PC (Athlon XP 2100+) when I upgraded about 18 months ago. It ain’t much to look at: It was built on the cheap (this Antec was the least expensive case I could find that wasn’t beige), … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 2 Comments

Life’s little challenges

At the moment, that includes wiping my C drive and reinstalling everything. Honestly, that’s what I get for “fixing” my registry and not having a backup. You’d think I’d learn.

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Bill Gates for President?

Yes, oh god, please. Bill would have my vote in a heartbeat. Seriously, for all the reasons that site lists.

Posted in Etc, Geek | 6 Comments

How to solve the console launch problem

It’s another media maelstrom this week as two new consoles show up on store shelves: the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. I’m not getting either one at launch, which is new for me. I was one of those crazy … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Games, Geek | 2 Comments

Gears of War: Road to Hell

Posted in Etc, Games, Geek | 2 Comments

It’s a shirt. It’s an air guitar. It’s awesome.

Aussies invent the darndest things. Make sure you see the video of the air guitar shirt in action. Trippy!

Posted in Geek, Guitar | Leave a comment

WordPress is teh awesome

So I admit that I used WordPress because it was free and I’d seen someone else use it for their blog. I installed 2.0.3 because that was the current one when I started. After starting to get about two dozen … Continue reading

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Halloween 2006

Annual costume contest at work; I revived a costume from nine years ago that didn’t work so well and learned that “Marty Mouse, Mickey’s disgruntled, bitter, alcoholic brother” does not work quite as well as simply “Drunken Mickey.” Dressed as … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | 3 Comments