Category Archives: Geek

A prime number (and an MP3 of the Moment)

So yeah, I’m 37 now. Fuck. To quote my idol since boyhood, Tom Lehrer, “It’s a sobering thought, for example, that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years.” I’m milking that one all year long. … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek, Music | 8 Comments

Apparently, Sony is awesome (updated)

I went on a podcast and tried to be open-minded about what Microsoft is doing right and wrong. Brett from GamesRadar was on too, and he did the same for Nintendo. The guy from the PS3 site? Totally different agenda. … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 4 Comments

A small change

The index page of no longer points to a photo of my giant melon. It now takes you to what used to be the second page. There is no annoying MIDI file, either. You may now browse in safety … Continue reading

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How not to attend CES

The only time I hear about Gizmodo, it’s in a negative context. I didn’t like the site then, and I don’t like it now. But at least there may be some penalties involved this time. I hope so. Some of … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | 12 Comments

Does the end justify the means?

Old question, but I’ve been asking myself that as I watch a particularly whiny blog entry shoot to over 500 Diggs. Short version: We called Sony for a loaner review unit of a Bravia HDTV and they said no purely … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Geek | 4 Comments

My wife: Now available online

After 13 years of print and several months of learning CSS, Kat has just launched her first web site. Well, two, actually — one for herself and one for a client. I am, of course, proud — in that way … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 2 Comments

Santa, you’re here early

And I will be just as thrilled Christmas morning to find that my living room has gone from looking like this: To looking like this! Yes, that’s right — a brand new Xbox 360 faceplate, and it’s the Japanese “water … Continue reading

Posted in Geek | 5 Comments

Everything is true on the internet

You know why cousins don’t marry, right? Here’s a fantastic story of new media inbreeding and feeding on itself. Naturally if something like this had appeared in a magazine, the verdict from online “journalists” would likely be that print is … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Geek | Leave a comment

Putting the lame in flame

You find the damnedest things hiding on your hard drive. This was before internet video was cool. And yes, I made it myself. That’s why it looks that way.

Posted in Geek | 8 Comments

POD X3 Live

My fanboyism for Line 6 gear is well established. But holy shit. Way more options than I’d ever use or probably be able to figure out, but I gotta love it on a technical level. I could use the XLR … Continue reading

Posted in Geek, Guitar | Leave a comment