Dr. Tima’s Honey Kola

Found another oddball soft drink at Whole Foods recently and, as usual, had to give it a go.

What’s better than HFCS? Real sugar. And what’s the best-tasting form of sugar? Honey. This stuff is wonderfully sweet without being overpowering. No caffeine, but we’ll give it a pass for that. There’s only one bottle in the photo because there’s only one bottle left. Highly recommended — next time you’re in the hippie supermarket, seek it out.

Posted in Soda | 1 Comment


I finally caved a few weeks ago. I was looking for an excuse to get one last year but could not find one, but the price drop and redesigned new unit were enough to push me over. Kat (who actually did go so far as to get one for me, but I returned it in price protest) has been a little resistant because she doesn’t want to support Blu-ray; the only reason it exists is because Sony forced a format war after the DVD Consortium had already chosen HD-DVD as a standard high-def format, and she hasn’t wanted to reward them for that shitty nightmare consumerist behavior — and I agree. But…both Firefly and Ghostbusters came out on Blu-ray. And there are a bunch of exclusive downloadable games I wanted to play. Also, the slimmer unit looks less like a Foreman grill. And besides, as a lifelong gamer, I hated not having one of the major systems.
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Posted in Games, Geek, Movies & TV | 4 Comments

Dan vs. Food

This was an IM exchange from several months ago that I’ve just learned my wife not only saved, but passed around to friends.

Kat: so tonight for dinner, chicken and rice and grilled zucchini

Dan: two out of three ain’t bad. gonna grill on the panini?

Kat: you just have to try it, yep

Dan: has zucchini changed in some major way since the last time I tried it? Because I have never, ever liked zucchini.

Kat: when did you last try it?

Dan: cucumbers, sometimes I have talked myself into them. Zucchini smells bad to me and tastes bad to me. I still don’t even consider zucchini an option

Kat: try a small piece, if you don’t like it I won’t bug you again

Dan: you said that last time

Kat: then I won’t bug you til I forget and bug you

Dan: in Encyclopedia Amrich, zucchini is notable for being what Derek Smalls stuffed down his trousers and little else. “In a culinary context, zucchini is treated as a vegetable, which means it is usually cooked and presented as a savory dish or accompaniment. Botanically, however, the zucchini is an immature fruit, being the swollen ovary of the female zucchini flower.” OMG

Kat: it makes great bread

Dan: I am not interested in eating swollen ovaries

Kat: you are such a baby!

Dan: just because I choose to research vegetables to understand them and perhaps make them MORE appealing does not mean I am a baby

Kat: you eat the flesh of animals, but are squemish about veggies

Dan: I recall my parents having fried zucchini and/or italian dishes with zucchini. Because the animals are tasty. I will try it. Again.

Kat: that’s all I ask

Dan: and perhaps this time we will mark the date so it can be remembered as “the last time you tried this”

Kat: how come you have no memory of what I tell you, but food you remember?

Dan: Because your voice is melodious, and I get wooed by your siren’s call, but zucchini is traumatic and I weep

Kat: If I don’t think it is very tasty I won’t have you try it

Dan: wow, that’s as close to a guarantee. What is it supposed to taste like, besides hot, which is not a flavor but a sensation

Kat: squash

Dan: see, I hate squash smells too. I was actually thinking “well at least it’s not squash” — not kidding

Kat: It’s like a dense buttery cucumber

Dan: but cucumbers are interesting because, like carrots, they are crisp and light, and if you recall you actually got me eating raw carrots.

Kat: true

Dan: I don’t love them but I can eat them now and sometimes even CHOOSE to so we have raw carrots and lettuce….that’s inching its way toward a salad. If I can just get over the tomato issue.
dress it up with garbanzo beans (another Kat victory) and a few sprouts (which you don’t like) and maybe a little feta as a reward for eating a salad in the first place.

Kat: lol

Dan: so why fuck that up by grilling squashesque vegetables? but doesn’t it just make them hot and mushy?

Kat: Cause I like them and everything isn’t about you

Dan: lol—very little is about me but I’m just pointing out that you were on a path to progress, and this is a weird detour. sadly I find no recipes online that contian both the words “zucchini” and “tequila”

Kat: I can dip it in tequila for you

Dan: that’s a waste of good tequila

Posted in Etc | 10 Comments

The Pinball Hall of Fame

Most folks don’t even know such a thing exists, but exist it does, in a tiny non-descript strip mall in Las Vegas (as opposed to all those descript strip malls in Las Vegas). Kat was heading to Sin City for a Photoshop conference so I burned a few vacation days and went along, doing my own thing during the day and hanging out together after her conference was done. I twisted fellow pinball junkie Rob Smith‘s arm to come along (his wife was at the same convention) and after a small adventure on the public bus system (hint: do not let me navigate), we arrived.

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Posted in Games, Geek | 6 Comments

Busy as hell

I like blogging, honestly. I’ve just been crazy busy lately and haven’t had time. Last week I took a short vacation to Las Vegas with Kat, and I have some fun photos of the Pinball Hall of Fame to post — but I haven’t sorted through them.

It’s crazy time on the magazine and deadlines are beyond…well, everything. When I can sleep, I have nightmares. Recent ones include nuclear annihilation and something that I just remember screaming and waking Kat up. I know it will all be worth it, but this project is taking its toll. It can only get better, and I’m speaking mathematically.

Meanwhile I’ve got a bug that’s going around so I’m hoping it doesn’t bloom this weekend. I plan to lay low. Maybe that means I’ll have time to sort through photos!

Posted in Etc | 2 Comments

When technology gets jealous

I finally caved today and got a PS3. I had been waiting for the price drop, and then I was looking for an excuse. I finally stopped looking, and with Kat’s suggestion, pulled the trigger. I am heading on a small vacation next week and wanted a small digital camera for the event (my digital camera broke a few months ago and I never bothered to replace it) so it was one of those weird “Hey, while we’re at Best Buy, why not finally pick up a PS3” kind of things. Kat’s cool like that. I never did anything to celebrate the new job, so this was a cool way to do that.

I didn’t buy any games; I was more interested in the downloadable stuff (and the store didn’t have Buzz in stock). Unfortunately, the PlayStation Store didn’t like my credit card info — the same card I used to buy the PS3, mind you — so I couldn’t buy anything at all. Seems like other people have had this billing problem and it might be something I can fix later. Or maybe not. So…damn. But Sleeping Beauty on Blu-ray — which I had never seen, despite being a Disney fan — looks very nice at 1080p.

So here’s where the the tinfoil hat kicks in. This evening I turned on my 360 (to make sure the memory unit with my Gamertag on it that accidentally went through the wash was still okay), downloaded a firmware update and…poof. The video just died; it’s like the red ring of death in that heat causes it and many of the same components are involved, but it costs $100 to repair. This was an Elite console, so it wasn’t Jasper, it was Falcon — but it wasn’t a launch unit either. I don’t see the point in repairing it, so I will go back to using my launch console. It has a picky DVD drive (it won’t play Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, or Lips), but it works most of the time. I think an Arcade unit is in my future.

So…the day the PS3 comes into the house, my 360 dies. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Posted in Disney, Games, Geek | 10 Comments

Hail to the king (of diseases)

A few months ago my right foot hurt. Thought I was walking funny or pulled a muscle. Last week my toe exploded in pain and kept me awake. After a few days of mild help from my email-friendly doctor, I finally got to see him, and…well, ever hear of gout? It’s kinda that. This goes with the kidney stone and bursitis in the collection of Things I Did Not Think I Would Get Before Age 40.

Really, it’s hardly a tragedy; I did it to myself so who am I going to blame? It’s called the Disease of Kings because it’s a product of an unbalanced diet of rich foods. I am not a big drinker (which is the first thing that aggravates it, I suppose) but I am a big fan of red meat and not vegetables. Well, after a while, that has a lot of purines, and that generates crystals, and they wind up in my foot in something awesome called uric acid.

I’m walking with a cane for a little bit and I’m changing my diet. Haven’t had red meat in six days and it’s only just now affecting me; it’s not forbidden but I see no reason to have red meat until this flareup goes away. Poultry is okay, fish (some fish anyway, because they have purines too) is okay. I like beans and have alternate sources of protein. But really? More veg will help on so many levels. Some friends have offered great ideas that they’ve used to get their kids to eat vegetables; at least I can articulate “that’s too slimy” or “the smell is off-putting” and sort of try new things accordingly. But I still feel silly for not having eaten better up until now.

Posted in Etc | 7 Comments

Beatlemania 2009

I have to admit, I’m enjoying the hell out of it. I got to review the video game (buy it, it’s really good), I plan to upgrade my CDs to the stereo remasters, and people who have never been exposed to a band I deeply love and find very inspiring are now going “What’s all this about?” So it’s awesome.

Also, as friends debate their favorite Beatles song and Beatles cover song, my favorite Beatles cover song is…not a Beatles cover song. Or is it? Please witness the singular brilliance of the Gigolo Aunts. It will blow your mind.

Posted in Music | 2 Comments

Late summer purge

The purge is happening on two fronts. One, Kat has decided it’s time to go through all the books and toys and clothes and gear we’ve accumulated and get rid of the stuff we don’t use, need, or want. We watch a lot of those shows like Clean House and I totally see the value in getting rid of stuff you don’t need — just on a karma level, you should be giving it to someone who will use it if you aren’t going to use it yourself — but instead of taking it a room at a time, Kat has started a multi-room purge, so the place is kind of a wreck. I borrowed some mail bins from work, then some more, then some more…we’re up to 15 of them now, just to sort things. This is in addition to all the Rubbermaid containers in the garage, which are also being audited at the same time. Since the garage is full of stuff to be sorted, it is not full of, say, a car. Most of the stuff will simply be given to friends or charity, but a few things are going on eBay. So in addition to selling my netbook on eBay, that’s what I’m doing this weekend!

The second purge is happening here on the blog. You may or may not have heard about all the security problems with WordPress lately, but I’m safe and, since having a few small hiccups behind the scenes a few weeks back, I’ve been diligent about keeping my software patched and up to date. However, it did get me thinking about all the users who have registered and never posted, or have plausible but unlikely usernames or email addresses. Since this is really a personal blog, I know (or know of) many of the people who have posted here at one time or another, and you’re all safe — I recognize your names and logins just fine. But if you’re a lurker ready to come out of your shell and you find your login has been removed, I suggest not registering with a name like “GranthaRdoe” and adding a Gravatar or something so I know it’s really a real person. I deleted well over 100 dud accounts by hand, so I’m hoping real people were not among them — but better safe than sorry.

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How not to surprise your wife

Kat and I are going to be married for 14 years next week. I like getting her flowers sometimes. I got a spam in the mail from ProFlowers.com this morning with a good deal on roses. Score! I’ll order it now while I think about it.

Kat and I have our computers in the same room but she can’t see my screen and I can’t see hers. No problem — I can quietly order flowers five feet away from her, and she’ll never know. I ask what her freelance work schedule is next week; she suspects nothing. I enter all the data quietly and it’s set up. Click here to confirm your order. Order confirmed!

Suddenly, after a completely silent ordering process, the speakers erupt. “THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER!” announces a cheery pop-up ad. A pop-up ad? A TALKING pop-up ad? Did I order flowers from 2005? And it won’t stop. “BE SURE TO SIGN UP FOR 15% OFF YOUR NEXT ORDER…”

Happy Sales Lady is in the middle of a sentence and I think I know where she’s going. I’m frantically trying to close this pop-up window. Naturally, it starts to MOVE. Yeah — it just scrolls its way down the screen, as I try to hit its “close” button. Which means I’m ordering flowers from 2001 instead. If they are stupid enough to do this, they’re stupid enough to announce the name of the site before the end of this. If I can just close it before Happy Sales Lady completes her sentence…


“You don’t have to get me flowers,” says Kat. Maybe not, but they don’t have to TELL YOU I’m getting you flowers, either.

Posted in Etc, Geek | 4 Comments